Laser Hair Removal 

The permanent solution for unwanted hair. With four laser systems, (Alexandrite, Diode, Nd:YAG, & Broad Band Light) The Loft, Laser and Skin Aesthetics is able to offer you the best laser for your hair and skin type.

The light is absorbed by the pigment in the follicles and converted to heat. The heat then loosens the hair and disables the cells responsible for growing new hair. All treatments are performed by a Certified Laser Technician. This technology is safe for all skin types, whether you have light or dark skin this is a permanent solution to reduction at an unparalleled speed.

Laser Modalities Available: Candela GentleMax Pro (Alexandrite & Nd: YAG)

Cynsoure Vectus (Diode)

Sciton Profile (Nd:YAG & Broad Band Light)





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